Harrisburg University 2019 Data Privacy Day

January 28, 12:00pm, EST - 1:00pm, EST

Harrisburg University

326 Market Street

Harrisburg, PA 17101



HIMSS members are invited to attend this Lunch-and-Learn session.

Many have said that data is the new currency. As fiduciaries of data collected by your organizations, it’s critical to have a solid understanding of privacy principles and a culture which ensures proper data collection and safekeeping. Unfortunately, many organizations have not taken this important step. Therefore, growing concerns about data privacy are driving changes in policy and in some cases changes in laws.  In fact, some governments are seriously considering legislation to statutorily require organizations to comply with data privacy principles.

As a consumer, these privacy principles are important to you, as well. You receive regular communications from businesses about their privacy policies. Should you be reading these communications, what privacy principles are most important to consumers, can you opt out of companies sharing your data with others? These are all important questions for consumers in the digital age.

Join cyber privacy experts at Harrisburg University on January 28th for a Lunch-and-Learn from 12pm – 1pm.  This is a great opportunity to educate yourself on privacy principles and what you as an individual and your organization need to do to properly collect and use personal information of others.

View the Agenda Here: https://professionaled.harrisburgu.edu/data-privacy-day-2019