March 27, 2020
Welcome to the Central Pennsylvania HIMSS Webinar Series!
I am pleased to introduce our new approach to adding value to your professional life. With the restrictions on our traditional networking gatherings, we are adjusting our educational programming so that we can continue to bring central PA healthcare and IT professionals together to learn and to share. Our goal is to provide informative, state-of-the-art topic webinars that you can access anytime. Our regional experts will help you keep up with rapidly changing developments in our socially distanced world.
This episode is about the PA-centered, ground-breaking efforts to increase the interest and opportunities for young women to consider and pursue STEM-related careers. Dr. Bili Mattes, ropvost of Harrisburg University, is a strong advocate and leader in this movement. We recently recorded an interview with Dr. Mattes and we believe this recording will help you better understand the history and the current challenges in overcoming long-standing societal bias and what is now being done to improve equity in the choice of professional career options for our children and grandchildren.
Of course, I also want to acknowledge the seriousness of the current pandemic and express my best wishes for all of us. Be safe, wash your hands often, and continue to provide great healthcare to those who use our services and products. We hope to be able to offer a face-to-face conference on the latest developments in our field on September 23 at Harrisburg University if the pandemic abates. I hope to see you there.
Glenn Mitchell, MD, MPH
President, CPAHIMSS
May 2020

Part 1: A Discussion on Telemedicine
Glenn Mitchell, MD from Harrisburg University and Salim Saiyed, MD, CMIO at UPMC Pinnacle
Part 2: A Discussion on Telemedicine Policy & Finance
Glenn Mitchell, MD and Michael Seavers, PhD, from Harrisburg University
April 2020
An Intro to Cybersecurity in the Time of Coronavirus
Mark McKinney, Ed.D., MPA, MA, of Pennsylvania State University discusses cybersecurity in healthcare during the coronavirus pandemic. (42 minutes)
March 2020
Women's History Month Presentation: STEM-UP Network
Harrisburg University Provost Dr. Bili Mattes shares the history, current challenges and efforts to increase the interest and opportunities for young women in STEM. (45 minutes)
February 2020
Reducing Clinician Burden: National Update
HIMSS Pennsylvania Chapters present a webinar that offers the clinician’s perspective on the issue; an overview of the extensive Reducing Clinician Burden effort by HL7; the Usability Functiona)l Profile standard; and a federal update. Please note that you may ignore the initial screen and simply click play. (60 minutes)