Annual Meeting of HIMSS Central PA
Central PA chapter is holding its virtual annual meeting on Thursday, January 21, from 4:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. with special guest PA Deputy Secretary of Health Meghna Patel, MHA, who will provide keynote remarks on the challenges of data collection in Pennsylvania during the COVID-19 era.
No pre-registration is required and the program is free. Simply click on this link to attend: (ZOOM LINK)
- Networking time
- Welcome – Dr. Glenn Mitchell, Chapter President, Harrisburg University Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness
- Keynote - The Challenges of Data Collection in Pennsylvania During the COVID-19 Era – Meghna Patel, MHA, PA Deputy Secretary of Health
- State of HIMSS Central PA Chapter and Recognition of Tenth Anniversary – Dr. Glenn Mitchell, Chapter President, Harrisburg University Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness
- Closing
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